Products supported Services


View our wide range list of beef products that our producers offers under our inspection and license!

OVINE (Coming Soon!)

View our wide range list of lamb meat products that our producers offers under our inspection and license!


View our wide range list of chicken products that our producers offers under our inspection and license!

About Our BOVINE Products

EHT – European Halal Trust cooperates with the best beef meat slaughterhouses and processing companies in Europe among them Sokolow, Zaczyk, Biernacki and Meatland insuring a high quality of beef products for our muslim community in France and elsewhere in Europe.

BOVINE Products Line

EHT - European Halal Trust - BOVINE Products Line
EHT - European Halal Trust - BOVINE Products Line

About Our POULTRY Products

We help our clients in finding a wide range of poultry products, fresh and frozen to meet the most creative tasters in the gastronomy. We make sure that the birds are fed in a responsible way to provide a tasty authentic meat.

POULTRY Products Line

EHT - European Halal Trust - BOVINE Products Line

We are ready to start your project

We're here to help you get the halal products in the right direction with confidence!